RTview by Jonathan D. Duke -- Version 1.0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This program was written to make it possible for you to view files using the codes imbedded in Robinson Technologies games. (LORD & TEOS) This program was written because I had used other programs, but they did not support the new codes that are in Planets: TEOS 2.0, so I wrote this program to allow the viewing of these files. To pause the output of the file, just hit any key (and another to resume). To exit output, just hit the ESC key. All the known codes that are included are: Foreground Colors Background Colors `1 - Blue `9 - Lt. Blue `r1 - Blue `2 - Green `0 - Lt. Green `r2 - Green `3 - Cyan `! - Lt. Cyan `r3 - Cyan `4 - Red `@ - Lt. Red `r4 - Red `5 - Magenta `# - Lt. Magenta `r5 - Magenta `6 - Brown `$ - Yellow `r6 - Brown `7 - Lt. Gray `% - White `r7 - Lt. Gray `8 - Dk. Gray Special Codes `b - Blinking Red `c - Clear Screen `) - Blinking Red `\ - Next Line `^ - Blinking White `k - [MORE] Prompt `s - Swirl Sequence (-,/,|,\) This program was written as freeware. Thanks to Seth for writing these great door games. This program should not cause any damage to your computer, but if it does, don't hold me responsible. I wrote this program in Borland C++ 4.5. I copied several "test" files, including PLANTXT.DAT, to the NEWS.TXT file under TEOS. Then, I used my program to see what happened and then I ran TEOS to see if they were the same. As far as I can tell, I got everything as close as possible to the codes in the TEOS game (and should work for LORD too). The only difference is that my program doesn't change the ANSI codes like ANSI.SYS would do (even with ANSI.SYS loaded), but if you want to see those, just use the DOS "TYPE" command! Thanks for trying RTview!